Friday, May 10, 2013

Bitter End

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  1. An incredible read that really provides insight into the emotional turmoil wrought by an abusive relationship. As I read I was crying in horror, frustration, and anger. It provokes the reader to think of the consequences of turning a blind eye, and we find that as Alex struggles to find herself a midst Cole's anger, she might be losing herself too. Well written, and heart felt, this book is a must read.

  2. Sam F.
    Mrs. Scheller 1st hr.
    I haven't gotten vary far but what i have read is really good. I love how the main character Alex deals with her mothers death, instead of saying "boo hoo me", or "pay attention help me." She finds her own way of coping and has amazing friends to help. Alex found out that the night of her mothers death, she was on her way to Colorado. So that is Alex's big plan, to take her friends Georgia, and Zach on a road trip to find why she was going. I can't wait to read more.

  3. Fiona R.
    Mrs.Scheller 2nd hour
    I haven't gotten very far in the book yet but from what iv'e read, the setting effects the story because that's where she meets her new crush. "The new guy". She tutors students and at the time she was tutoring someone, in a whole different room where she found some what of comfort , with knowing them, and the room and all. That changed when she got transferred to a new student, new room, new everything. If i had to adapt in the environment like Alex did, i would probably be socially awkward with the new guy. Not knowing how he was or anything about him would overwhelm me. Especially if i thought he was cute like she did.

  4. Jami B.
    Mrs. Scheller 2
    The setting of the book Bitter End is in modern time. Alex`s environment is very plain and dirty at home. Since her mom died, her dad acts very depressed. Alex does not want people to realize her pain from her home environment. At school Alex has two amazing friends that helped her through the thick and thin after her mom died and anytime after that.If I was in Alex`s position i would be very stressed and probably do the same thing she does. Keeps her family life private, but still have people to talk to. i would probably do this because their are more important things to focus on then drown in your own sadness.

  5. Mariah Barnes
    Mrs. Scheller 7th
    The setting of bitter end is mainly at school so far and at Alexs work Alexs mom passes away and she starts tutoring this guy Cole and she is starting to like him it impacts her because school has her friends Bethany and Zack might get her mind off the fact her mom passed away and its impacts her love life because she’s starting to like Cole school and her friends are a good way of helping her deal with the problems with her mom being gone

    1. Fiona Ramshaw
      2nd Hour
      I totally agree with you! School was the place that started the whole situation with meeting Cole, and falling for him because he’s “flawless.” But I do think that her work plays an important role in the story as well. Cole came in and told her to sit down and talk for a bit on her break. So now they aren’t only seeing each other at school but other places as well.

    2. I agree because she should have not been in that relationship with him she was just thinking wrong she was just saying she was in love and she really thought that he loved her when i'm pretty sure Cole was just using her because he knew that Alex really liked her but he was just leading her on by truing her poem into a song.

  6. Melanie G.
    Mrs. Scheller 7th hr.
    I haven't gotten very far in the book, but from what I have read the setting is in modern time in a small town. The main character’s Dad is depressed because his wife died, causing the house to be very dirty. Alex doesn’t want anyone to know about her family issues, so she hangs out with friends to cope with her family problems. Alex tends to lie to new friends that she meets so she doesn’t have to explain anything to them or feel their pity. I probably would be the same way because I wouldn’t want to have to tell people that my Mom died and my family is a mess because of it. I would rather try to forget about it as much as possible.

  7. Jennifer V.
    Mrs. Holmes

    The setting of Bitter End so far is at a high school in modern time. Alex is the main character and Zach and Bethany are her two best friends. Alex's mom passed away when she was a child. Alex wants to travel to Colorado for her senior trip this year because that's where her mom was headed when she passed. Alex, Zach, and Bethany have been planning this trip together for a while now. Bethany is a very outgoing and earthy person. Zach is a goofy kid who is always trying to make a joke. The setting is important because Alex meets a new student named Cole that she has to tutor. She is really into him and he is really into her too. We'll see how this relationship develops throughout the book.

  8. Corrine C.
    Holmes 2
    In Bitter End the setting is really broad. It takes place in modern time town and in a high school setting for the most part. There are three best friends Alex, the main character, and her two friends Bethany and Zach. Alex' home is very dirty because her dad is depressed and her mother passed away. She is the only one who seems to "care" about her mother’s death. Alex is very smart she likes to write poetry. She also works at The Bread Bowl. Bethany is always there for Alex and is really determined. And Zach is the goofball of the group and is really laid back and likes to have fun. The three friends hang out every day at each other’s houses and at school.

  9. Alexis C.
    Mrs. Holmes. 2nd Hour

    I have the book “Bitter End” by Jennifer Brown. Its about a girl named Alex from a small town, that hasn’t been named yet, who lives with her did and two sisters. The time period is modern. Shannin, Alex's’ older sister, informed Alex and her younger sister, Celia, the night their mother left their father was on the phone with his sister saying how she had really gone off the deep end. She was headed to Colorado, so this year for Alex's’ senior trip Zach, Bethany, and Alex are all taking a trip to Colorado to try and give Alex closure on her mom.

  10. Allie B
    Holmes 3

    The setting for my novel, “Bitter End” by Jennifer Brown, takes place at a high school in the present time in a small town. The setting may be important being in modern time because teens reading may be able to relate to what the main character is dealing with. The main characters are Alex, her best friends Bethany and Zach, and her boyfriend, the new guy to her school, Cole. They are all seniors in high school. Alex, Bethany, and Zach have been planning a trip to Colorado together. Alex is smart, Beth is smart and serious, and Zach is the crazy one in the group who likes to poke fun at the girls.

  11. Natasia S.
    Mrs. Holmes 3rd Hour

    So far I'm really enjoying "Bitter End" by Jennifer Brown. It's about Alex, who's from a small town, she lives with her Dad and two sisters. She isn't really close with her Dad because of how distant he is since his wife's death. she is planning a trip with her two best friends, Zach an Bethany where they will travel to the place her mom was headed before she died. At this point in the book, she has met a boy named Cole, and they're dating. Cole is really sweet and does nice, romantic things for her all the time. But on the other hand, he is extremely jealous of her and Zach's relationship and has violent outbursts towards her and her friends at times. His romantic side can make you fall in love with a character from a book , but his angry side is really scary.

  12. Lindsay M.
    Mrs. Holmes 4th Hour

    The novel, "Bitter End", by Jennifer Brown, takes place in a small town. Alex, the main character, lives with her dad and two sisters. Alex and her younger sister Celia do not get along well with each other, or their dad. Alex and her two best friends, Bethany and Zach, are planning a trip to Colorado to see what Alex's deceased mother was going to do there. Things between Bethany, Alex, and Zach have been a little shaky lately, ever since Alex began dating the new kid, Cole. Cole and Zach do not get along because of Cole's violent outbursts and Zach's over-protectiveness of Alex. Bethany is silent about this whole matter and Alex just wants all of her friends to like each other. Alex is in love with Cole and can't see any problems with him. Zach and Bethany are trying to warn her, but she is persistent.

  13. Lexie M.
    Holmes 4

    “Bitter End” written by Jennifer Brown is set in modern time in a small town. Alex is a teen girl who does not have the best life at home. Ever since her mom passed away her father has been depressed and sort of shutting Alex out like she does not exist. Alex is a smart and outgoing person. She is tutoring the “new guy”, Cole, at school who she seems to be catching feelings for. Bethany and Zach are Alex’s best friends. They know how to get Bethany’s mind off the fact that her mom is not with her anymore. In fact they are planning a senior trip to Colorado to help Bethany get some closure from losing her mom because that is where her mom was headed when she died.

  14. savanah m.
    Mrs. Holmes 4th hour.

    I really like "Bitter End" so far. Alex has a kind of sad home life. Her mom died when she was little and her dad never really told here the whole reason behind what happened. Her and her two best friends Zack and Bethany, have been friends since they were babies and they all know everything about each other. They have been planning a trip to Colorado since they were little to help Alex find out more about her mom. The book takes place in Alex's home like town, in her house and school. She is a really smart girl and likes to write poetry. One of her poems actually won in a competition. Alex is very shy and quiet, unless she's with her friends. She tutors people who need help with their English in the school lab. She had been tutoring her friend Zach until one day when the new kid, Cole came to the school from Pine Grove. Alex doesn't really think much of Cole except that he is respectful and sweet until her and Bethany were at the diner Alex works at and they saw Cole there with the basketball team. Bethany was making fun of Alex having a crush on Cole and so Alex started to think maybe she did like him in that way. When Cole asked her out on the first date he said he would pick her up at her house. Zach was at Alex's house like usual and when Cole got there to pick up Alex, Zach was being overprotective toward Alex and being kind of snippy to Cole. Alex doesn't know why Zach doesn't like Cole because she thinks he is perfect.

  15. Danielle M.
    Mrs. Kelly
    The book I am reading is called “Bitter End”. Bitter End is taking place at high school I like how it’s at high school so I can picture things better. Alex is the main character she lives with her dad and two sisters, Alex is a tutor and Alex helps other people with school work after school. One day a new kid shows up his name is Cole, Alex helps him with his work and she starts to get feelings for Cole but there is something strange about Cole that she doesn't know If she should like him she doesn't admit to have any feelings for Cole but the feelings can’t hide forever.

  16. Samantha H.
    Mrs.holmes 5th hour

    This book is very interesting It makes you want to read more and more this book is very realistic Cole so far seem really interesting he’s seem shy but I want to know more about him I want to know why her moved schools and why he doesn’t seem like a guy to be mean he seems really truthful he like Alex , Alex seems really cool and smart she likes him and her friends seem really weird and crazy but really cool at the same time this book would make you think to not judge a book by its cover.

  17. kenzie s.
    mrs.holmes 6th hour
    the book bitter end is set in a normal town in a modern day setting. It is based at a normal public high school and also in a restaurant called the bread bowl where the main character works at. The main character is Alex and she lives with her father and her older sister and younger sister. she is a senior in high school. she is on a mission to go to Colorado with her friends zach and bethany to find out why exactly her mother left her and how exactly she died. She is very smart and is a tutor at her school and normal tutors her friend zach, but her teacher ms moody switched her to tutor the new student at the school named Cole. there is something mysterious about Cole and Alex slowly develops feeling for Cole.

  18. Emily J.
    Mrs. Holmes 6th hour
    Setting: There are different settings for this book “Bitter End”. But most of the stuff happens in school, at the end of the day in the lab where Alex tutors a new student named Cole. They also spend a lot of time at their friend Bethany’s house eating pizza, playing computer games when supposed to be planning their senior vacation to Colorado.
    Character: The main character in this book is Alex, a senior in high school. She’s best friends with Bethany and her next door neighbor, Zach. Alex is a writer, she writes mostly poetry, which is why she tutors people in English. She has kind of a dysfunctional family, her mom died in a car crash, and her dad and 2 sisters seem to ignore the fact that she is gone but alex is the only one who thinks of her everyday still and is going to Colorado to find out why her mom was heading there when she died.

  19. kenzie s.
    mrs.holmes 6th hour
    the book bitter end is set in a normal town in a modern day setting. It is based at a normal public high school and also in a restaurant called the bread bowl where the main character works at. The main character is Alex and she lives with her father and her older sister and younger sister. she is a senior in high school. she is on a mission to go to Colorado with her friends zach and bethany to find out why exactly her mother left her and how exactly she died. She is very smart and is a tutor at her school and normal tutors her friend zach, but her teacher ms moody switched her to tutor the new student at the school named Cole. there is something mysterious about Cole and Alex slowly develops feeling for Cole.

  20. Megan G.
    Mrs. Holmes hr 7

    The setting for “Bitter End” takes place in a normal town in present day America. So far, the main places that the characters are at are their school, the main characters, Alex’s house, and Alex’s place of work, The Bread Bowl. Alex lives with her father and younger sister. Alex is planning a trip to Colorado with her best friends, Bethany and Zach, to figure out why her mom left and how her mom died.
    Alex is the main character. She loves to write poems. Bethany is Alex’s best friend. She’s very nice and cares a lot about the environment. Zach is Alex’s other best friend. They’ve known each other since they were babies because they’re neighbors. Zach is the jokester of the group. Cole is Alex’s new boyfriend who gives everyone in the group bad feelings. Zach doesn’t like him at all but Alex is beginning to have feelings for him. They are all seniors in high school.

  21. Ryanne O
    Holmes 7th

    There are many different setting in the book Bitter End. It is in modern day. You can tell it is because they talk about using facebook and such. It is mostly set at High School where Alex does her tutoring but there are also a lot of other places like her house and her job which is at the Bread Bowl. Alex also spends a lot of time at her friends, Zack and Bethany’s, houses.

    The main character of my novel is Alex. She is a senior in high school and a tutor. She spends a lot of time writing poetry and working. Her mom passed away when she was younger so she is left with her dad who doesn’t pay a lot of attention to her. Also there is her best friend Bethany and her next door neighbor Zack. Also there is Alex new boyfriend, he is extremely over protective and very harsh to her friends. He is rude to a lot of people except Alex and she is blinded by his looks and how much she likes him to see who he truly is.

  22. Chyenne N.
    Mrs. Holmes 7th Hour

    The setting is mostly at Alex's school and work, a restaurant called Bread Bowl. Alex's mother died when Alex was young and has little memory of her. She does know that her mother left her and her family to go to Colorado, but Alex does not know why, but wants too figure it out. Alex and her friends Bethany, and Zach have been planning a trip to Colorado for a long time, they are going to take at the end of the year when they graduate to figure out exactly why her mother left to go to Colorado. At school Alex starts to tutor a new student, Cole. Almost immediately it becomes clear Bethany likes him a little, and she continues to think about him and develop feelings for him.

    1. Fiona Ramshaw
      2nd hour
      I didn't really take into consideration that her work is part of the setting. I thought school was mainly the reason for even meeting Cole, and finding her friends and all. But Cole did show up close to her closing hours and did tell her to sit with him on her break and everything. So I agree that The Bread Bowl takes an important place in the story.

  23. Fiona Ramshaw
    2nd Hour
    I don’t agree with the way Alex is falling for Cole so fast after just meeting him. She knows nothing about him; she sees him as if he was flawless. They usually talk about her and her poems, like what they are about; they had always come from the heart. They never really had a discussion about his likes or dislikes. And then all of the sudden he shows up at her work asking to sit for a bit during her break. That’s a little much after just meeting. What I would do if I was Alex is get to know him better before starting a relationship or even thinking about someone like that. She’s getting way over her head with this.

    1. i totally agree she knows barley anything about the guy. i think they need to get to know each other more as well just because someone is handsome or pretty on the outside its doesn't mean anything it only matters whats on the inside maybe if she knew Cole better she wouldn't be in this dangerous relationship position

    2. Melanie G.
      Mrs. Scheller 7th Hour
      I agree that Alex acts like Cole is flawless. Anything Cole does, good or bad, Alex loves. Cole constantly shows up where Alex is randomly, and instead of thinking it’s creepy, she finds it romantic. If someone shows up where you are when you didn’t even let them know you were there, that normally should let you know that something isn’t right, especially when they do it constantly.

  24. Jami B
    Scheller 2
    Alex is too focused on her boyfriend Cole who is an uncomfortable person. I don`t think Alex is really in love. I think she’s acting this way because, she likes the feeling of having somebody their for her who is new. She is giving Cole to much attention because she does not want to lose him. When Cole acted up in the car about the Colorado trip forms being given to him late I would dump him because he’s so rude to Alex and her friends. When Alex thinks he’s being protective it’s really just him being mean.

    1. Melanie G.
      Mrs. Scheller 7th hour
      I agree that Alex isn't really in love. I think she just wants to feel loved by someone since her Dad doesn't pay attention to her. She knows that Cole is in love with her and that makes her feel happy and wanted. Even though Cole does terrible things that would normally result in a breakup, Alex doesn’t want to because she likes how she feels around him.

    2. i totally agree i think she likes him but she doesn't probably get enough affection at home so shes looking for it from someone else. Alex's sister is mean to her and her dad is still weird about the mom being gone. The only people she really has is her friends but now that Cole is in her life shes pushing them all away.

  25. Melanie Gilmore
    Mrs. Scheller 7th hour
    I don’t agree with how Alex is treating Bethany and Zach. She is only worried about being with Cole, and doesn’t even realize that she’s being mean to her best friends. She is completely clueless to what Cole is doing and is falling in love with Cole too fast. She hardly even hangs out with Bethany and Zach anymore, her excuse is that she is hanging out with Cole. When Cole made fun of Bethany and Zach, Alex forgave Cole and blamed Bethany and Zach for the incident. I think Alex should slow down a little bit and be with her friends more. She hangs out with Cole too much, and she is losing her best friends because of her actions.

    1. I agree i think they took things way to fast! I don't think her friends deserve what shes doing to them because they were their for her when her mom died and their willing to go find out what her mom wanted in Colorado. I think Alex needs to stop what shes doing and kinda realize hes making her life more stressful than it already was before.

  26. Mariah Barnes
    Mrs. Scheller 7th
    I disagree with Alex at this one point on until she can make the right decision. Her love thing with this new guy Cole is a very bad situation She starts living in a nightmare. Cole is very abusive with Alex but Alex decides to forgive him. I disagree with Alex’s decisions because he’s dangerous and she needs to break up with him she cant go on letting Cole take over her. Cole was also jealous of Alex and her friend Zack which isn’t a good thing. If I were her Cole would’ve been dumped along time ago.

  27. Sam Fischer
    Mrs. Scheller 1st hr.

    So the main problem I've gotten to so far is the conflict is between Cole, and Zach.
    Cole doesnt like the way Alex and Zach are so close, in a vary jealous manner. He starts to pull Alex away from their vacay day and now Zach is getting upset. Zach knows something about Cole that he wont share with Alex, it gets irritating because everything would be resolved if he just did.But of course the jealousy continues.

    1. Fiona Ramshaw
      2nd Hour
      I totally agree, in a way I do think Zack likes Alex. And if he would just talk with them instead of making the problem worse by showing Cole disrespect then the problem would be over with, or closer to being resolved. Cole seems almost too perfect; Zack knows he’s got to be hiding something.

  28. Jami B
    The conflict in this book is Cole is manipulative and insane. Alex and Cole's relationship is so unhealthy. I think the plot is important because nobody should be treated the way Alex is. Alex is handling the situation horribly! I was so surprised by how he acted towards Bethany and Zach. It wasn't right that he did that. I was surprised because he sounded like such a good guy, but I think there is a specific reason he left his old school. Alex and her friends need to go back to being good friends because Zach is tearing them apart. I really don’t like Cole .

    1. Fiona Ramshaw
      2nd Hour
      I agree, ever since Cole came in the picture their whole "Terrible Three" group has split up. They need to not only build their friendship back up to how it was, but get rid of Cole also. Alex has her head in the clouds if she honestly thinks hes as perfect as he seems. He has has to have some flaws, and I think Zack is going to get to the bottom of things. Not only for the sake of the "Terrible Three" but for Alex.

  29. Corrine Criswell
    Homes 2
    The main conflict in the book so far is Cole, Alex' boyfriend. Cole is a problem because ever since him and Alex started dating he wants her all to him self. This means she has no time for her friends. Her friends and Cole do not get along, and actually its all because of Cole. He is rude to Bethany and doesn't want Alex to be friends with Zach because he thinks Zach wants Alex as more than a friend. Every time Alex has plans with her friends Cole stops by and ruins it. He is starting to show signs of a abusive relationship but Alex cant see it. Her friends are trying to warn her about Cole but she to naive and her relationship with her friends is falling apart.

    1. Jami B.
      I agree! I think he wants her all to himself. I think Cole has self pity when she can`t hangout with him. Alex needs her space and needs to be with the people who have been with her though it all. Alex`s family hasn't really taken an interest in Cole which might impact her more if they did. The closest time they got to helping is when Zach texted Alex's sister and they had that small conversation.

  30. Jennifer VanBooven
    Mrs. Holmes

    Alex has an internal problem with Cole, the guy she likes, and Zach, her life long best friend. Between Cole and Zach the problem is external. Cole is starting to come around more often and it seems to be bothering Zach. Zach's reaction to this is being super protective over Alex. Zach also isn't too fond of Cole since he met him because he too cocky and for some other reason he won’t really say. Cole notices how Zach acts around him and it's overwhelming; Alex notices too. Cole starts to pull Alex away from her bonding time with her friends and Zach doesn't like it.

  31. Jennifer VanBooven
    Mrs. Holmes

    Alex has an internal problem with Cole, the guy she likes, and Zach, her life long best friend. Between Cole and Zach the problem is external. Cole is starting to come around more often and it seems to be bothering Zach. Zach's reaction to this is being super protective over Alex. Zach also isn't too fond of Cole since he met him because he too cocky and for some other reason he won’t really say. Cole notices how Zach acts around him and it's overwhelming; Alex notices too. Cole starts to pull Alex away from her bonding time with her friends and Zach doesn't like it.

  32. Alexis C.
    Holmes 2
    In the book “Bitter End” by Jennifer Brown, Alex is falling for the new guy Cole Cozen who eventually becomes her boyfriend. The only problem is Alex doesn’t realize that Cole is trying to control her life. He doesn’t want her to talk to Zach, Bethany is barley in her life anymore, Cole walks her to class so her friends can’t and he sits at her work and waits for her until she gets off. Although Alex isn’t noticing this, I feel like her friends are. At this point they haven't planned a vacay day in weeks and also have not saw each other in a long time.

  33. Natasia S.
    Holmes 3rd Hour
    In "Bitter End " by Jennifer Brown, Alex struggles with pleasing her best friends Zack and Beth and her boyfriend Cole. Cole is jealous and abusive when it comes to her relationship with Zack, even though he is like a big brother to her. He gets angry and hits her because of it, he has also verbally abused her and her friends. She has a hard time pleasing them both because Cole gets angry when she sides with Zack and Beth and then she hurts her friends by not defending them. The last thing she wants to do is tell her friends how Cole beats her and risk losing him. But by not being honest, she is losing them too.

  34. Allie B.
    Holmes 3rd
    In “Bitter End” by Jennifer Brown, Alex has an internal problem with her boyfriend, Cole. He abuses her but then apologizes and stays with him. Her problem is she loves him but she needs to break up with him, and refuses to. Another problem is between Zack and Cole, her best friend and boyfriend. They don’t like each other which is affecting Alex’s friendship with Zack and her other best friend, Beth. Cole doesn’t approve of her friendship with Zack and Beth, which is making her lose them. She has to choose between her friends or her boyfriend, and when she chooses her friends, her boyfriend will abuse her.

  35. Lindsay M.
    Holmes 4th hour
    In "Bitter End", by Jennifer Brown, Alex has two conflicts. One conflict is internal, with her best friends Bethany and Zack. Her friends do not like her boyfriend, Cole, and they keep trying to pull her away from him. But, all they're doing is pulling them selves away from Alex. Another conflict is external, with Alex's boyfriend, Cole. Cole does not like the way Zack talks to and shows affection for Alex. He gets jealous so easily, that he actually begins to start beating Alex. It started with just grabbing her very tightly and leaving bruises, and now it's progressed to him punching her in the face multiple times. Alex does not know what to do about her conflict with her best friends, and her conflict with her boyfriend, Cole.

  36. Savanah M.
    Holmes 4th

    In " Bitter end " Alex is having problems getting Cole and her two best friends to get along. Cole was driving them all to a party one night and her freind Bethany was trying to hand Cole information about the trip and he threw it out the window and was being a jerk to them. There was no real reaso for it besides the way Alex sees it and she thinks Zack brought it on himself because he intaginised Cole. Alex was mad at Cole and doesn't understand whyhe had to act like that though, Buy with Coles sweet talk he convinces her that he's nice and sweet and tells her that her friends arecontrolling and that Zack just wants to be with Alex. Alex finds herself ditching her friends more and mor4e to be with Cole. Cole is always watching her and follows her and asks her who she is going to be with. He has even gotten mad and mean towards alex in a hurtful way. Alex thinks she loves Cole so she convinces herslef it's just a few bad days for him.

  37. Danielle M.
    Holmes 4th hour
    In the book” bitter end” a girl named Alex meets this boy named Cole at first Cole was sweet, charming ,hot, and always knew what to say. Alex and Zack are really good friends but Cole le is getting kind of jealous because Alex talks to Zack a lot. Cole starts to get mean and sometimes abusive and right after Cole says sorry. Alex knows she should break up with Cole but there’s something that’s holding her back if Cole is mean and abusive to her why stay with him I guess she really loves Cole.

  38. Lexie M.
    Holmes 4th hour

    In the book "Bitter End", the main character, Alex, fell in love with the new guy at school, Cole. At first he was the man of her dreams; hot, charming, and her favorite person to be around. One Alex and Cole started to hang out almost every single day, Alex’s friends Bethany and Zach started to drift away from their friendship with Alex. Bethany and Zach did not like Cole at all. Alex tried getting all of them to be civil with each other and get along, but it didn’t work out that way. It just made things worse. Now Bethany and Zach really don’t Cole and Alex isn’t sure what to do. She knows she needs to break up with Cole because he’s become abusive but something inside is telling her not to.

  39. kenzie s.
    the inner conflict in the book bitter end with the main character alex is that she has a family secret and dose not know exactly what happened to her dead mother and is planning a senior summer trip with her friends to Colorado to get to the bottom of exactly why her mother left her and her sisters and what happened when she died. her father wont tell her anything about it because he is still in pain and is almost dead inside after what happened to his wife, so alex knows near nothing about the situation with her own mother. she knows that she left when she was very young and she got into an car accident and her brains were left in the middle of the road. it would be hard to live your life only knowing that little about your own mother especially the last detail.

    1. i agree it would totally be hard to live without a mom especially whats going on between her and Cole and her friends. She basically has no one to talk to i think what you said is a good conflict. But now that Cole is keeping her away from her friends she really has no one to talk to besides Cole. Her dad is also still upset about the mom being gone so i cant imagine what she feels like. Maybe she lets Cole treat her certain bad ways because maybe she has no mother in her life to tell her things like how she should let a guy treat her. I also think she stays with Cole because she doesnt get enough love at home. - Mariah Barnes

  40. Emily j
    In the book bitter end, one type of conflict I have noticed it external conflict. The main character Alex, has always been close with her friends Bethany and Zach. But once she gets a new boyfriend that seems to change. Her new boyfriend doesn’t like Zach, he claims he likes her more than a friend and will steal her away from him. Zach doesn’t like Cole either because he claims he’s a “tool” and a fake and isn’t the guy he says he is. Bethany used to be okay with him until one night he talks trash on Bethany AND Zach in front of Alex. All Alex wanted was her boyfriend and her two best friends to get along but Cole doesn’t seem to agree, to me he just wants to take Alex away from her best friends and keep her all to himself. And so far his plan is working. Alex is too much in love with Cole to notice what he is doing.

    1. Melanie G.
      Mrs. Scheller 7th hr
      I agree that Cole is trying to get Zach away from Alex so he can have Alex all for himself. He is doing anything he can to get Zach and Alex to not be friends. He even made up that Zach liked Alex more than a friend. Then, he said that Bethany was stupid for still hanging out with Zach. Alex is too “in love” with Cole to notice what he is doing.

  41. Ryanne O
    7th hour Holmes

    The conflict in the book Bitter End is external and internal.The external conflict is that ALex boyfriend keeps hitting her and getting angry with her. He calls her names when he gets mad about something and he will grab her too hard. The internal conflict she has with herself is she doesn’t know what to do about it. She doesn’t know if she should break up with him because he gives her all these romantic apologies that make it seem like he is going to change. She is also scared of what he might do if she does break up with him.

  42. Melanie G.
    Mrs. Scheller 7th hr
    The main conflict in the story is Alex’s boyfriend, Cole. Cole is very overprotective and manipulative towards Alex. When Alex is mad at him he starts to touch her and talk sweetly to her just so she will forgive him. He always comes up with a reason for the terrible things that he’s done and Alex always ends up believing him and forgiving him. He also is trying to get Alex to not be friends with Bethany and Zach, but she doesn’t even realize it. She just blames her best friends for them all not getting along. In the beginning of the story Cole seemed like a really good guy. I am beginning to dislike him more and more for his actions.

    1. i totallly agree with you!!!! Cole is way over protective its CRAZZY! Yes at the beggining of the story Cole seemed like a sweet outgoing guy but that changed quick! I think its ridiculous that she blames her friends i wonder if Zach and Bethany will still be there for her if they end up breaking up! She shouldnt blame Zach and Bethany for not getting along with him -mariah barnes

  43. Mariah Barnes
    Scheller 7th
    The main and most important conflict of the book I’m reading “Bitter End” Is a girl named Alex starts falling for this new boy Cole she gets attached immediately and they become boyfriend and girlfriend when this occurred things started going downhill. Cole is controlling and sometimes abusive towards Alex and she doesn’t really realize it she just forgives him. Cole is jealous and doesn’t want her talking to Zach anymore and Bethany is also never around her anymore either. Cole just wants Alex all to herself which is wrong . Cole is trying to just ruin her good relationship with Alex and her friends

    1. Melanie G.
      Mrs. Scheller 7th hr

      I agree that Cole is very controlling. He will do anything he can to be with Alex as much as possible, he will even stay at Alex's work for hours so that he can be with her afterwards. I haven't gotten to the part where he is abusive, but I am predicting that he will be abusive towards her very soon. Just the way he acts and how mad he gets over little things shows that he will start to abuse her. Then he will be super nice afterwards and she will probably end up forgiving him even though he doesn’t deserve it.

    2. Jeff A
      I agree,I am near page 200 and he is being very controlling. in chapter 22 Alex and Beth are being tickled by Zack in the school parking lot. Cole was watching and the next day got into a fight were Cole grabbed her wrist and was squeezing and wouldn't let go. then Alex got upset because she thought the fight was all her fault.

    3. Jami b
      Scheller 2
      I agree. He’s too much a boyfriend to her. Which is bad. He is so clingy and a horrible person to be involved with. Alex is a good person and she is forgiving him way too much. They don’t actually love each other they Alex just can’t see that. Cole’s family is very broken and I think he acts the way he does because of his dad. His dad from what I have read is verbally abusive towards Cole’s mom. I’m pretty sure he is physically abusive to. I think Cole learned from his dad.

  44. Megan Gilmore
    Mrs. Holmes hr 7
    There are a lot of conflicts in “Bitter End”. The main conflict is internal. Alex is being abused by her boyfriend, Cole, and she doesn’t know what to do. She wants to break up with him but she is afraid he will hurt her even more if she breaks up with him. He abuses her and then says a simple “Sorry” but he doesn’t mean it because he keeps abusing her. He hurts her mentally and physically. He calls her names and he punched her in the face twice. He even blamed her for his actions. Alex needs to break up with him.

    1. Jeff A
      Alex is in a very messed up relationship and she can't get out. I've only gotten to the fight in chapter 22 or 23 (I don't remember exactly.) and he was squeezing her wrist and wouldn't let go. Cole needs to let Alex spend more time with. her friends.

  45. Sam f.
    Mrs scheller 1st hr

    One of the characters in the book is Bethany. she is a spunky, nerdy and persistent girl. She is hard working and determined when it comes to planning their trip to Colorado. Bethany is also extremely competitive when it comes to video games. My favorite characteristic is how protective she is of Alex, she doesn't like the way she's been hanging out with Cole all the time.

  46. Jeff A.
    Mrs.Scheller 1st hour
    The main theme of bitter end is domestic abuse in relation ships. in this story we have a girl named Alex she is a senior with a troubled past. her mom died when she was young and she never really got to know her,her dad ignores her and her sisters didn't really seem to care about the mom thing. Alex is now a senior she has two best friends. Beth and Zack. Then she meets this boy named Cole. Cole is this amazing boy he treats her nice and he even likes her back. Zack does not seem to like this guy,he says stay away and him and Zack do not get along. But when Alex and Cole get into a big fight and Cole winds up hurting Alex. she doesn't know what to do. The whole theme of this book is watch out for domestic abuse in relationships.

    1. Fiona Ramshaw
      2nd Hour
      Mrs.Scheller That is true, I saw it more as don’t let your heart speak for your mind. Even though both were consumed by Cole, she still couldn’t see the red flags that were appear constantly. She felt that he was “perfect” so that’s what she started to believe. She should’ve got the hint to leave when she noticed his personality change in less than two seconds. He could be completely happy and then mad over one little thing, that’s not someone who anybody should be in a relationship with; it just won’t work out.

  47. Sam F.

    Mrs. Scheller 1st Hr.

    My book is Bitter End, the theme is never trust someone who comes off too nice. The reason for this theme is that Alex falls in love with her boyfriend Cole's charm instead of who he really is from the start. He comes off so sweet and gentlemen like but the more she’s around him the more strange he becomes. On the way to a party he begins acting mean or aggressive towards her friends and her, he starts throwing papers out the window and grabbing too tight on Alex's leg. Alex is shaken up a bit from this incident, he’s always been so sweet to her before. Once they get to the party her friends leave, upset, and Cole runs off and has a blast. How could one minute he be a total jerk and the next perfectly fine. Its only a matter of time before he seriously hurts Alex.. that's why you never trust a boy with too nice of a smile.

    1. Fiona Ramshaw
      2nd Hour
      I agree, I do think Cole was a little too perfect. One minute he would be fine and then the next furious. I think Alex first fell for him because he was new and seemed interested in her from the start, not only her but her poems as well. Looking back on everything that happened I think he only hung around her because she was venerable, and anything he did she would get over quick enough for him to turn sweet again.

    2. Jami b
      I agree to. He found someone who was broken and weak and tried to "fix" her. By weak I mean he wanted someone who kept to themselves. He did this so when he hurt her she would think all these other thoughts and excuses. I feel horrible for Alex because she got stuck in that situation. Cole was manipulative and smart and those good qualities were their but that didn’t give him an excuse to act the way he did.

    3. Melanie G.
      Mrs. Scheller 7th hour
      I agree, Cole seemed to be too good to be true. She fell for him too fast and by the time she realized that she made a mistake, it was too late. She was abused and treated terribly, but since she was in love with him she just acted like everything was ok.

    4. I agree just because someone is caring and says very nice things it doesn't mean anything. They could be a evil person on the inside. People Change as well. It isn't normal for someone to want someone all to their self. Cole has very good tricks and played with her mind and used her. Im honestly glad Alex finally got help she needed and hung up on him. She deserves way better than him. -mariah barnes

  48. Jami B
    Schiller 2
    I think the theme is you can`t trust everyone. I thought that because not everyone is as trustworthy as they seem. An example is Cole is not that perfect, understanding, nice guy. He’s just insane. I think his dad is what influences his actions. Alex has a hard time seeing that. Cole hit her and for some reason she’s more worried about her image then getting help. Alex thought Cole was all good things, but he is manipulative and if she did something about him he might be able to get help to. Another example of not to trust everyone is when Zach and Bethany were in the care with Cole and Alex and Cole threw a tantrum and hurt people’s feelings.

    1. i totally agree with your theme you chose they can come out nice at first and treat you right but that just a cover so you can fall for them Cole is defiantly a insane guy no guy should ever treat a girl like how he did. Alex had a hard time seeing that because shes scared of him. Sometimes you think someone cares but they actually really don't.
      -Mariah Barnes

  49. Mariah Barnes
    Scheller 2nd
    The theme of the book Bitter End is do not let someone takeover you and your life. The reason why I say that is because in the book Cole is a very manipulative person. Cole is jealous of Alex’s and her friends relationship. With Cole coming into Alexs life very controlling Alex gets distant from her friends and Alex needs her friends from all the stuff she has been through. She basically lost herself. He always told her he would never hurt her again but that’s I lie. I feel like Cole scared Alex a bit that’s the only reason why she stayed with him but I know she did actually cared. Cole basically came into her life changed and threatened and controlled her.

    1. Melanie G.
      Mrs. Scheller 7th hour
      I agree, Alex totally let Cole takeover her, and she just let him. She had no idea what was going on, and used every excuse she could to stay with him. She acted like everything was her fault in the relationship, when it really was him. He abused her and yelled at her, and she ended up using excuses for why he did what he did. When in reality, he had no excuses.

  50. Melanie G.
    Mrs. Scheller 7th hour
    I think the theme of this book is don’t get attached to someone too soon. Alex said she was in love with Cole only a month after they started dating. When you date someone, you want to be with them, but you should still hang out with other people. Alex only wanted to hang out with Cole, and she hardly ever saw her other friends. Whenever they asked to hang out she said she was busy with Cole. He always gave her attention, so she automatically became very attached to him since she doesn’t get attention at her house. By the time she found out how he really was, she was in love with him and didn’t want to leave him.

  51. Gato Genial
    Super sad but I'm super glad that this was covered. Really good book. Again super glad they covered this from her point of view instead of someone else's because wherever abuse is concerned i always hear "why didn't she just leave?" like mate why didn't he just not hit her

  52. Tabbytha Walsh
    Mrs. Scheller 2nd hour
    I think the setting in Bitter End has an effect on Alex because when she was a little girl her mother was apparently crazy and passed away in a horrific car accident, when Alex found out where her mother was headed before she passed it made Alex wonder where and why here mother was heading to. Alex then found out she was heading to Colorado and made a trip with her friends senior year. If had to adapt to Alex environment i would be a little scared because not having my mom around would be extremely scary because i do everything with my mom and it wouldn't feel right without her. I couldn't sit around and watch a depressed dad who never talked to anyone, didn't clean or did anything like Alex's dad did.

  53. Brooke R.
    Mrs.Scheller 2nd hour
    the theme is basically you shouldnt catch feelings for someone so fast. the reason i say that is because you never know what your getting your self into. you also never know if your even ready to be in a relationship and take on that responsibility. also even knowing if you love somebody forreal, alex told cole she was in love with him after a month. alex also only wanted to hang out and see cole, she didnt even see her friends anymore. my reaction to having to adapt to her enviroment would be a little similar to me and my boyfriends relationship because i stopped hanging out with most of my friends to always see my boyfrined.

    1. Tabby W.
      Mrs. Scheller 2nd hour
      i agree with you 100%, I think Alex should have got to know Cole a little longer before hanging out and dating him. otherwise she would still be able to see her friends without a problem or her friends getting in fights with boyfriend. if she just got to known him she would see the real Cole instead of the one who keeps apologizing over and over again over the same stuff

  54. savannah dalske
    so the setting is the bread bowl. the bread bowl is a dinner that the main character works at. she is effected by the setting because her best friend likes to show up and be very crazy she usually would go and be crazy with her but since she is at work she has responsibilities and cant goof off however, Georgia one of the higher level workers there helps her monitor when the manager is in so she can talk to her friend by cleaning tables around her. so she can be busy and still have fun.
    if i where to work at the bread bowl id most likely have similar be trying to talk to my friends and goof around with them under the radar while getting work done just like her.

  55. Natalie Turner
    Mrs.Scheller 3rd hour
    The setting in Bitter End effects Alex by deciding who to go with between her new boyfriend Cole or her best friends Bethany and Zack when trying to balance her work life when ever one of them try to spend time with her before the other person gets mad and trying to decide how to fix it with out getting fired. When Alex is at home or at school with her friends talking about their trip to Colorado , Cole always gets angry and jealous about everything she does and Alex sometimes doesn't know what to do because that trip has something to do with her family life. If I had to adapt to Alex's life I would have to get rid of Cole because all he does is just get mad at Alex and she always have to focus on him and not her work, school, and personal life and it makes her miserable and I would be also.

    1. I totally agree with you, i don't think Alex should be with someone who gets mad and jealous of her all the time that is at least something i wouldn't want in a relationship. Alex has better things to worry about than a boy who get mad at her trip that she is planning with her best friends so she just needs to drop Cole and move on to better.

    2. I do not know if I agree with you yet.You probably are further in the book then be but so far Cole seems like a good guy but that might just be me not knowing whats to come. I would like to know what is to come maybe then I will change my mind.

  56. Angelica Lewis
    Mrs. Scheller 7th Hour

    The setting of Bitter End (School, work, home) Surrounds Alex with people, mainly being her best friends. This Benefits Alex in a way with her decision making. Alex is crazy about the new guy, Cole, and being around these people she can get help with advice, blend in, and have people to talk to if shes worried about something. Alex has a back round of losing her mother in a car crash on her way to Colorado and plans to go there for herself to figure out more about that night.If I had to adapt to Alex's environment I would try my best to help her with these issues with Alex and try my best to convince her to just let him go and find someone who would treat her better.

    1. I agree if it was not for school Alex would not of met any of her friends or Cole which completely ends the story right there. Even if she did not attend the school maybe she would still be going to Colorado maybe she wouldnt even care about her mom if she went to another school

    2. i agree if she wasnt going to this school she wouldve never met any of the other characters in the book which would make this book very boring shed wouldnt know her best friend or zack or her new abusive boy friend which is the whole conflict part of the story.

  57. Tabbytha Walsh
    Mrs. Scheller 2nd
    Ever since Alex met the new guy Cole She's acts differently, and she chooses him over her best friends. like Zack one of Alex best friends since they were little kids loves Alex, well Cole walked in on Zack tickling Alex which made him jealous. She's acing this way because she never felt this kind of "love" before or never had this attention before she met Cole. I don't think somebody should chose there boyfriend over there best friends especially when they known you since you were little and only known this guy for a couple weeks. I think Alex should find somebody that that doesnt take time away time from her friends.

    1. I totally agree, Alex should dump Cole because a boyfriend should let you hang out with your friends and him saying no is just rude. Alex should just dump him in general because further into the book he starts hurting Alex like punching her and pushing her too and no one wants a abusive boyfriend.

    2. Grace Bales
      Mrs.Sheller 3rd
      I do not agree her friends should be happy for her . Cole really has not done anything bad so far . I think Zack is the bad guy. He should be happy for his friend if he really cares about Alex so much then just let her live her life.Zack should be more like Bethany and just mind his own business.

  58. Grace Bales
    Mrs.Scheller 3rd
    I dont agree with Zack when Cole came over to Alexs house . Alex put in so much work into making her house look nice so she can impress Cole because she really likes him. Then Zack comes along and completely embarrassed Alex in front of Cole which was totally uncalled for. Luckily Cole did not care that much and they still went on the date together and started planning their second date.Maybe Zack secretly likes Alex and is jealous of Cole and thats why he acted out to scare off Cole.

    1. I agree with your response. Alex really tried her best to impress Cole and it was not cool for Zack to come over and ruin it and I totally agree that Zack is jealous of Cole and Alex its just way to obvious. Although, Zack is just trying to protect Alex from Cole doing anything because Zack knows something about Cole and it is revealed later on in the book.

  59. savannah dalske
    mrs. scheller
    3rd hour

    the main character alex is young adult female who's aspirations are a little unclear at this point in the book. but she seems very intreeged with her best friend her job and a boy. ever since w=this new boy cole came into the picture she has been acting alot different shes been even choosing this boy cole over her best friend. Cole is getting in the way of her decision making. shes acting like this because she thinks she loves this guy but in my opinion its really just infatuation. i think alex should realy find someone less controlling and someone who wont take time away from her friends. because even though she doesnt see it it will negatively evect her life.

  60. Natalie Turner
    Mrs.Scheller 3rd
    In the story Bitter End, ever since Alex had started dating Cole everything started going bad. Alex always have to choose between Cole or her best friends Bethany and Zack every time either one of them want to see her and she always picks Cole because he gets mad when ever Alex goes with her friends instead. Alex always lets Cole control her and when ever he gets mad at her Cole starts to abuse her and say harmful things like calling her a "slut". Alex says that she is going to break up with Cole but she never does. I think Alex's decision is wrong for staying with Cole because all he does is hurt her like punching her and get mad at her for no reason. Alex should tell her friends and other people that Cole is doing this to her and she should break up with him.

    1. savannah dalske
      3rd hour
      i totally agree with you natalie she really should dump him cole is a pathetic controlling abusive guy. and alex needs to quit her obsession with him.ever since they started dating her life is a controlled mess she even chooses cole over her frieans because cole is a jerk and gets mad when she doesnt choose him instead. this is an unhealthy relation ship and she needs out.

  61. mia cunningham
    5th hour
    for bitter end the charcter i chose was alex, at the beginning of the story alex was a good person she hepled with tourting she attended work on time sheworriewd about her friends and stuck to them when they needed she is acting all bad and she is worring about this boy named cole and she has stopped tourting and she haas worried less about her friends and has kecpt secreats from ack which is her bestfriend. i think alex is acting this way because she wants to impress cole she wants him to like her even when she is not being the real alex she is just being diffrent around himbecause she thinks its cool what i would do i=if i was one of her bestfriend i would tell her she dosent need him because all he is gonna do is use you when he sees the real you, you dont have to be fake and try to impress him becausr you want him to like you if he likes you then it should be because you are you and you shoukld be proud of that.

  62. Tabbytha Walsh
    Mrs. Scheller 2nd
    The main conflict of Biter End is Alex's boyfriend Cole. Ever since they started dating Alex has been having problems with her friendship, work, etc. Cole doesn't want Alex hanging out with her best friend Zack because he thinks Zack wants Alex has more than a friend. Cole is also disrespectful towards Bethany saying that she can't have Zack because he "loves" Alex. Alex's friends have tried to been nice to Cole but all Cole does is complain and start fights just because he doesn't want his girlfriend with anyone else but himself. I think it's the most important because with every chapter you read there is always something going on with either Cole and Alex or Cole and Zack, it always starts with Cole so i thought that was important.

    1. I agree, Alex has to leave her friends because of Cole so he can be happy but Cole starts doing things that causes more conflict in each chapter which soon leads her to come closer to figuring out her conflict with her and Cole so she can finally leave him. Its not just conflict with Cole about her friends, its also about the abusing and her personal life.

  63. savannah dalske
    mrs. scheller 3rd hour

    the conflict that is most important to the story is Alex's boyfriend Cole. since they started going out alex has been having serious problems with her work and friendships and much more. cole is super clingy and possesive of alex and its very unhealthy. cloe doesnt let her hang out with her friends and is extremely disrespectful to bethany saying that she cant have Zack because he 'loves' alex. alexs friends have tried to be nice to cole, but cole just whines and starts drama just because he wants alex all to him self.

    1. Grace Bales
      I don't think Cole is a drama starter I believe that Zack is the one causing all the problems. He is always trying to provoke Cole no wonder Cole gets upset. He is trying to get Alex and Cole to breakup. All Zack has ever been is negative he never seems happy that his friends is happy Zack should just let Cole and Alex be.

    2. I believe that Cole is the problem way more than Zach. Zach is just looking out for his best friend because he knows that Cole isn't the right guy for her. Cole shouldn't even get upset half the time he does because its over stuff that is about Alex and her friendship with Bethany and Zach. Zach only acts rude toward Cole because Cole is not caring towards him or Bethany. Instead he is cold and is trying to draw them apart from Alex so he can have her all to himself.

  64. Grace Bales
    I am not very far in the book (pg. 160) but the conflict is starting to pick up. Alex if forced to chose between Zack and Bethany who she has been friends with for a very long time and her boyfriend Cole. So far I think Cole is a good guy. He has done some things that I didn't agree with like throwing the papers out the window . But Zack kept pushing him with all the "Big C" name calling and always having a negative attitude with him , any person would be upset over that . But Cole shouldn't have been rude to Bethany she hasn't done anything wrong. Not everyone will be friends with one another and Alex needs to realize that her friends and Cole just aren't going to be friends and that's okay.

    1. I disagree, Cole is not the good guy at all. I finished the book and Alex and Cole are the conflict. Cole starts to do all these things to Alex which causes her to leave people, not focus on her personal life, and starts to get hurt mentally and physically. Zack was trust trying to help Alex and so was Bethany. Soon you will find out how Cole is not the good guy.

    2. I'd have to say I disagree with the fact that you called Cole a "good guy" because i feel like Cole is very protective and is very mean with his approach on things with Alex. He wouldn't even take the time to try to take the time to understand Alex's relationship with her best friends before getting angry and taking it out on them, as you said Bethany didn't do anything wrong to Cole and he was still very cold towards her when she had gotten all the information for Colorado for him. I see how you would say Alex needs to understand Cole and Zach/Bethany wont be friends, but I wouldn't want to be friends with a guy like Cole and I wouldn't want my best friend dating one either.

  65. Natalie Turner
    Mrs. Scheller 3rd
    The main conflict in Bitter End is about Alex and her boyfriend Cole. When Alex starts dating Cole, Alex starts to lose all of her friends. Cole doesn't want Alex to be hanging out with her best friends Bethany and Zack all because Cole is jealous. Cole starts to show his anger towards Alex and she stops hanging out with them to keep Cole happy. Alex does everything to keep Cole happy but when she doesn't do anything wrong, Cole starts to take his anger out on her. Cole starts abusing Alex and she decides whether to break up with him and what to do. This helps the plot in the book by showing in each chapter when something happens to Alex,how she is close to leaving Cole for good and how it will be a bitter end.

    1. I agree with you because all she is caring about is Coles feeling and not Bethany and zachs and its really hurting them,because they have done everything to keep her happy and then one boy comes along and she thinks shes in love and would do anything for him, or to keep him happy and just because he turned her poem into a song does not mean he loves her, he probably just wants to see if he can lead her on.

    2. Grace Bales
      Mrs.Sheller 3rd
      This is a very good summary. I felt Cole was the perfect guy for Alex because he understood her and was what she needed.But he had that one big flaw that ruined everything.I want the best for Alex I want her to be happy but I knew Cole wasn't right for her or anyone . I truly hope they make a second book with what happens after Colorado. And maybe Alex and Zack will get together.

  66. Mia Cunningham
    sheller 5th hour
    The main conflict in bitter end is between Alex and cold which is Alex's boyfriend , when they start dating and going out, Alex's friends start to feel distant from her and she has stopped hanging out with them and she does not even care she just cares what Cole thinks. but it's not long before Cole is just using her and then when she gets hurt she has no one to run to and no one to comfort her. Her sister is too young to understand her dad is in a mental breakdown still because her mom left them and they don't know where she is. All Alex wants to do is keep Cole happy and not worry about her other worries like school and her Best friends that have been with her, her whole entire life.

  67. Angelica Lewis
    Mrs. Scheller 7th hour
    The main conflict began when Cole entered Alex's life. Alex started to become more distant from her best friends Zach and Bethany who didn't really like Cole to begin with. The problem is Cole, Alex's boyfriend, is very protective of her and doesn't like Alex hanging around other people (mainly guys) and is very mean about showing this. He is very cold towards Alex half the time they're together, but she tolerates it because of how much she likes him. Alex is basically throwing away her best friends and giving her life to a guy who doesn't even deserve to talk to her.

  68. Tabbytha Walsh
    Mrs. Scheller
    I think the theme is that you shouldn't catch feelings for someone so fast without knowing them. The reason I said that is because you don't even know if your ready for this responsibility/commitment yet, and for Alex i don't think she was ready I mean after a month of knowing Cole they started saying I love you and she was ditching her friends just to make him happy all the time, But it's also hard to leave an abusive relationship. this is meaningful to me because I have had personal experience with this kinda stuff.

    1. Savannah Dalske
      3rd hour
      i totally agree with you Tabbytha! you shouldn't catch feelings for someone with out knowing them Alex was telling this guy she loved him within just a month of knowing hik which is a little crazy i think all she wanted was to be loved or taken care of maybe she was just lonely but i know for a fact that she was not ready for the responsibility or commitment it takes to be in a relation ship especially not this one with a clingy controlling freak.

  69. Savannah Dalske
    Mrs. Scheller
    3rd hour
    i think that the most important theme in the book is that you shouldn't fall for someone without knowing them truly first or don't rush into things. the reason i say this is because Alex was ruining her life for a stupid boy she had only known for a month telling him she loved him, and ditching all her friends just to make this jerk happy when all he is doing is controlling her like a puppet.personally i think you should know what you are getting into before you jump into it. you may not be ready for the commitment and responsibility it take to be in a relation ship. and im almost positive Alex was not ready for neither commitment or responsibility to this guy.

    1. I agree, Alex or just anyone should not rush into a relationship because you never know what you will get into, like Alex had to leave her friends thinking that it would make her and Cole's relationship perfect but it never was. Like you said, Cole started controlling her because Alex didn't know any better which led to the abusing. But I personally think abusing was mostly led to the theme without the rushing into the relationships. But surely Alex shouldn't have committed.

  70. Natalie Turner
    Mrs.Scheller 3rd
    The theme or idea of Bitter End is the anatomy of an abusive relationship. At the beginning of Alex's life, her mom was not happy anymore and she started saying nasty and not true things to the dad because Alex's mom was drunk then killed herself which led to Alex's image reflect off her mom when she started dating Cole. Through out the book, Cole shows his anger towards Alex which he inherited from his own dad because Cole's dad beats his stepmom Brenda. Cole starts pinching, pushing, hitting, and beating Alex because he thinks its okay to abuse because his dad does it. Before Cole started dating Alex he abused previous girlfriends like breaking one of their arms which led him to transfer schools and meet Alex. The form of Abuse surrounds the whole meaning of the book which is why its the theme.

    1. Savannah Dalske
      3rd hour
      Thats an interesting way to put it Natalie, but i totally agree with you all through out Bitter End Alex is being abused by this guy Cole.but the anger and abuse has to come from somewhere. ithink maybe alex dated cole because she was seeking comfort from her mothers passing and all the fighting that had been going on in the house but her having her own problems went to dating a guy with even bigger problems which is not a good mix coles dad likes to beat his step mom brenda and cole takes his aggression and rage out on alex ... just like his dad.

    2. Grace Bales
      Mrs.Scheller 3rd
      This is a good theme of the book but her mom did not yell nasty things at them . In the hospital her dad comes clean to her and says that her mom always loved her and her sisters. But because she was mentally ill she felt she wasn't a good mother and couldn't give them her all. So she went back to Colorado where she last felt at peace so she could be a better mother she just tragically got killed in a car wreck.

    3. I totally agree with you Alex should not have gotten into a relationship because with the things going on in her life I don’t think she needed it I think she only needed the people who were close to her no some boy that’s going to take her for granted, that’s why Alex just needs Bethany and Zach cause she knows deep down in her heart that they will never leave her and that they are there for her, that why she doesn’t need a boyfriend with her mom dying she doesn’t need to worry about a dumb boy she needs to worry about her trip and finding peace with her mom.

  71. Grace Bales
    Mrs.Scheller 3rd
    I believe that the theme is overcoming things mentally.If you read the epilogue and authors note the author , Jennifer Brown talks about how when a women gets abused she is scared to tell other people in fear of being a statistic , or ruining her partners life. Even though Cole has violently abused her to the point where she thought she was going to die. She still wanted him a little, because of Alex's background she doesn't feel love from a lot of people.She has no where to run, she lost her friends Zack and Bethany. She doesn't have a mother and her father is in a zombie like state from losing his wife years ago. Her sisters are not very close. The only person Alex felt comfortable with was with Georgia. But she doesn't want to put her problems on her because Georgia has her own life to deal with. That is why Alex kept going back to Cole because he was the only person to love her and hold her. If you read the epilogue it takes Alex a year to even be a functioning human again, while her friends are living their dreams.Even though her scars on the outside are disappearing she still has scars on the inside that take longer to heal . Alex Bethany and Zack eventually go to Colorado and she finds peace with her mother and friends. p.s. I hope there is a second book because I totally want Alex and Zack to get together .

    1. I agree, I like this idea of a theme. Alex had finally overcame so many things like, telling someone that she is being abused, standing up to Cole, finally leaving Cole, and finally overcoming the idea of her mom passing away in the mountains in Colorado. Alex does explain it still hurts her but now shes happy and the scars had faded away even though they might still be there to see, it doesn't effect her.

  72. mia Cunningham
    5th Sheller
    I think the main theme of the passage of bitter end is overcoming things mentally Alex has had a lot on her plate and has seemed to do things on her own because her dad seems to still be in shock about Alex’s mother's death so she has to take of herself and sister, Alex has recently been in a relationship she should not be in because the guy Cole is just using her and has no business being with her cause all he is going to do is hurt her she already has enough on her plate with her mom moving to the mountains and killing herself, but she has overcome that part because her two best friends have been there for her and are going to the mountains with her and Alex is going to see her grave and find peace with her mother.

  73. Angelica Lewis
    Mrs. Scheller 7th
    I think the main theme of the book "Bitter End" is between chosing the right friends and never letting them go and chosing the right boyfriend, and if he isn't the right one then to let him go. Alex has really great friends, Bethany and Zach, because tit wasn't the fact that they were jealous of her and Cole, Alex's boyfriend, but the wanted the best for her and they knew that wasn't Cole. The worst thing for Alex to do was to lose them for a guy she hardly knew and she was in the process of doing that throughout the story. As for falling for the wrong guy, this was a perfect example because Cole was very clingy, protective, abusive, and angry at Alex over half the time they were together. I understand that this isn't Alex's fault because Cole was one of the only people to show her love with her mom gone and her dad out of it all the time, but this wouldn't have been a problem if she wasn't so fast to fall for Cole and would have listened to her best friends who were always there for her.
